12 Days…

Here is a list of all the gifts I sent out over the 12 days of Christmas. I quickly found a variety of sites: some that are resources for information and inspiration, one or two that are retail that maybe help you to think outside of your regular purchasing habits and another few that tout greening efforts already underway.

I hope these intrigue and benefit you.


On the 1st day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…a cool way to learn from a tree…(ask nature) https://asknature.org/

On the 2nd day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Data on 100% renewables for the world..


On the 3rd day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…More than three (100) ways to bring down carbon…


On the 4th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Green efforts in NYS…


On the 5th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…A YOUTube site with real journeys to chaaange theeee woooorld (duh da dah, duh da da…)

@DiscoverSustainability video podcasts

On the 6th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Ways to adapt and recover…


On the 7th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Climate models and resources in the northeast https://www.nyclimatescience.org/

On the 8th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Fun t-shirts created by people, not corporations https://cottonbureau.com/about-us

On the 9th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Many people leaping (uh, learning) and teaching about green buildings https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/

On the 10th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Ways to ensure social justice..

Living Future Institute, Just Program

On the 11th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…free and fulfilling info…(wonderful site…sign up!) Rate it Green

On the 12th day of Christmas my green guru gave to me…Sites about holocracy (non hierarchical business structure) https://www.zapposinsights.com/about/holacracy


Happy greener New Year!



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