World Building and Climate (S2C E37)

Why are we fascinated with apocalyptic scenarios and dystopian futures? What is our fascination with explosions and the collapse of all we know? And what do we get out of this negative imaging?

Doug Reilly and Emma Sarnacki have turned the tables on tragedy and created the 2041 Project at the Science Discovery Center at SUNY Oneonta. A main principle of this work – imagine a future where everyone accepts climate science.

Lauren and I spent some amazing time learning about this effort and what it is already revealing to Emma and Doug about education, climate advocacy, and the need for humans to once again recognize that we are world builders IRL. Accepting that role, that potential, is a huge and needed step in making the beneficial climate future we seek. The world they have created invites people in with panel discussions, art projects, a podcast, and role playing, helping people to understand they have agency in the work ahead.

Imagine a future where everyone accepts climate science.

Check out Subject2Change – Sustainability and look for the 2041 videos. There is a cut about the project, another cut that gets into some science fiction and gaming reflections, and, as always, a 2-minute cut to share some heroes and a big idea.

And we ask that you take a moment to comment, like, share, and subscribe. These conversations reveal so much to us, and we are certain you will learn and find valuable connections. (and we want to change the world, so we need more than 60 subscribers!).

Thanks and enjoy!

Jodi and Lauren

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