Governor Cuomo’s State of the State

I LOVE much of what Governor Cuomo presented in his State of the State. This one part does confuse me. Why is he talking about getting RE up from downstate when typically energy moves from upstate down to the city, and why would we do that anyway? The true power of RE comes with being as close to point of use as possible…I love the rest of this paragraph – cut approval times for smart, local projects. Hoorah.

“We are going to expedite the building of our energy super highway; we still have a problem getting low cost clean renewable power up from downstate to upstate which is costing rate payers $600 million a year. It can take up to two years believe it or not to get a new transmission project approved and some of the proposed projects are causing concerns by expanding into local communities. Let’s incentivize smart projects that locate within state owned or existing transmission right of ways so that they are not interfering or spreading into local communities and lets offer those smart projects and expedited approval process which will cut the time from two years to ten months if they do it smart. It is a win-win for upstate which needs the economic growth and its rate payers for downstate New York.”

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