Wine, Women, and Climate (S2C E25)

There are times I get caught up in my own certainly of my abilities. Luckily, these times are not common, but now and again, it happens, and I then realize that not only don’t I know everything, but I am not the only “expert” around! I have not been paying enough attention to the amazing people that I haven’t yet met that are out there doing exceptional work. It is mostly an issue of lazy self-sufficiency (even when I preach interdependence, I often forget I need to reach out) but it is also a little bit feeling alone in the work.

And that is foolish.

Enter Suzanne Hunt. I met her through the Sustainable Futures Conference as she was a sponsor of the event, providing wines from her family’s winery in the Finger Lakes. I then went out to visit Hunt Country Vineyards (exceptional), and was looking forward to talking with her about the family business, the sustainability initiatives of the farm and winery, and the wines they are producing specifically to open discussions about climate change.

And Lauren and I were BLOWN away by learning of her expertise in biofuels, her advocacy for outcomes-based policy, and her knowledge of biophilia, financial mechanisms, the science of soils, and implementations to reduce carbon. We were, and are, in awe of her clarity and speed of thought and of her connective spirit. She is eclectic, passionate, kind, and totally brilliant.

I am glad to say that this amazing chat conveys this throughout, and I am very glad that Lauren and I could talk with and learn so much from Suzanne while we sipped some wine and got to know each other better as people.

Watch her video to learn more about her vineyard, and be awed by her passion and power.

And while you are on our site, Subject2Change – Sustainability, we invite you to look around, check out our various playlists, “like”, comment, and subscribe. Maybe even click on the little bell so that you are told when a new video drops!

Thanks, and support your local vintner,


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