Anything is Possible (S2C E28)
Do you believe the message in the title? It is a reference to the time of transition, and the example our guest, Brent, described to us is the moment between when a liquid is a liquid and when it is a gas. The infinitesimal moment when anything is possible. This is also characterized when a caterpillar, e.g., has become the unformed goop that is encased in a chrysalis – the time between the state of caterpillar, and emergence into flight. The moment when the past has been released, so the future can be seen and realized.
Join us for this conversation about the challenges in change, and how to harness your energy and potential while letting go of preconceptions about what should be. After all, if you know what should be, then you are not free to find what you never knew was possible.
We learn also about Brent’s exceptional work in helping individuals, communities, and families find that potential in their own transformation, and his own self-work in order to do his best work for others.
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If you know what should be, then you are not free to find what you never knew was possible.
Sharing is one more way 2bgreener – just sayin’,
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