Bicycles and Climate Change (S2C E63)

Lauren and I are finally returning to our video explorations, and what a pleasure to spend some time, to kick off our re-commitment, with Bill Bishop, mechanical engineer, bicyclist, and inquisitive human.

We have TWO video cuts from this kitchen-table style zoom chat. One, focused on EO #22, is launching today, and another, focused on Bill’s passion for bicycles and bicycling, is launching next week.

Bill Bishop, mechanical engineer, bicyclist, and inquisitive human.

Bill sent along an email to several of his colleagues at his firm, as well as some in the broader world, to share his interest in and excitement with NYS Executive Order #22, which calls upon all NY government to lead by example in the climate goals of the state. It does so with a nested systems approach, realizing that our projects can protect our pollinators, for example, and that we cannot reduce waste if we buy wasteful things. Huh. Who knew?

We just HAD had to spend some time with Bill, and it was wonderful.

We learned that this EO (NY state Executive Order #22, link provided below) is inspiring and daunting. We talked about some of the surprising aspects of the EO and some things that have been underway for a decade or two, ever since EO #111 which first cited LEED ratings as a goal for government work way back in 2001. And we talked about bicycles, elegant engineering, community, and more (as we often do).

Please join us for our video chat, or check out our podcast on Spotify and other players: @DiscoverSustainability

Resources mentioned:

Bill also sent along these YouTube channels to inspire and amuse! We’ll be adding them into our channel as well.

  • Not Just Bikes – covers smart urban planning, transportation infrastructure, and bicycling and walking in cities
  • Climate Town – excellent coverage of climate change issues hosted by a comedian

Thanks for watching. Please like, comment and subscribe subscribe to our YouTube channel so we can expand this network of connection. Let’s not only be subject2change, but willing to explore the systems we impact and to work together to create elegant solutions.

Jodi and Lauren

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