Healing Damages through Process (Special Content S2C)

In early May, three co-conspirators presented a session at the Living Future Conference hosted in Washington, DC by the International Living Future Institute. This was a great honor, and I am pleased to share the content with you all.

Please note the audio is not stellar, but the content is.

I edited out the “work session” time for two Regenerative Practice work sessions, and repeated the observations and questions to make them comprehensible. If you would like to see the graphics more clearly, please go to Prezi.com and search “Jodi Smits Anderson”. You can see any of my Prezi-based presentations, here. Additionally, look to the International Living Future Institute for inspiration, advocacy, and guidance!


Speaker briefs:

  • Scott Townsend is an architect with SWBR who has spent the bulk of his career serving community-goals through design and advocacy. He is a co-founder of the Albany Riverfront Collaborative, and the current Board Chair.
  • Shawn Hamlin is the Managing Principal of the Hamlin Design Group in Albany, NY and an advocate for a thriving city, grounded in the culture and history of its people.
  • Jodi Smits Anderson (me) is an architect seeking to fulfill the potential of her community and profession through nested systems activation, curiosity, and deep connections to nature’s systems. She is a co-founder of ARC and the current Vice-Chair of the Board.

The presentation starts with some background on the Why of it all, then goes into two work sessions introducing two Regenerative Practice Frameworks, or tools for curiosity, and then summarizes with What Next. We have a lot of work ahead to redefine our relationships to each other and to Natural Systems in a way that is inspiring and fulfilling, while respecting our capacity limits.

Join us!

And as always, thanks for watching. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel so we can expand this network of connection. Let’s not only be subject2change, but willing to explore, question, and learn!

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