Make it – Figure Out How (S2C E16)

Todd Thomas can fit more passion and more verbiage into a few minutes of time than anyone else I know. His brain ticks along at warp speed, and his desire to collaborate, iterate, create, and shine the spotlight onto all involved is an energy source in its own right.

Do you know what a “Maker” is? Have you heard of Hands-to-Work, “Makerspace”, “Repair Nation”, “FabLabs”, or “Hackerspaces” or even “Preppers”?  Whatever the term, it’s all good – very good. With a return to crafts and creativity and a focus on collaborative problem solving and innovation, makers build from a can-do attitude.

The point is to figure out how.

Imagine if every challenge that came your way was met with the idea that you could certainly do it, you just needed to figure out how. On top of that, you had a worldwide web of collaborators to work with. This is what happened at the start of the COVID pandemic – you’ll have to watch the full-length deeper dive video to find out more on that!

Go to our YouTube site and watch some more of our exceptional conversations. Send us a note about what you learned, and what you want to learn. And make something. Start this weekend. You just need to figure out how.

Be greener,


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