Inequity Makes For Lousy Communities (S2C E42)

Yes, I said it. Many of us are in lousy communities, built on racism and continued by a lack of awareness.

Shannon and Lauren also said it a couple of times through this video cut (It’s a long one, BTW). We need vibrant, diverse, respectful communities in order to be resilient, to live with joy, and to thrive.

But every community is built on a history of systemic racism. Red-lining, tax-based maintenance, and strange rules that allow junk-food pushing bodegas to be called “grocery stores” make life harder and more disconnected. In many cities, it is vastly easier to buy fast food to scarf down in the moment that to buy groceries to prep a meal later.

Shannon Missick shares with us her research and her own experiences. We hear about her joy in having a front porch (and I say front porches could truly change the way we co-exist). We hear about the value of neighbors and connections, and we reflect, together, on how single-issue perspectives kill our communities and our future.

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Thanks for watching!

Jodi and Lauren


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