Happy People, Healthful Planet: Healthy Building Network (S2C E52)

We have existed enough in this project of Subject2Change interviews to have the privilege of speaking with people who have been at the helm of sustainability for decades. It may be we’ve got street cred, now, but more likely Lauren and I are becoming more confident and more comfortable, as well as continually more curious.

Bill Walsh founded the Healthy Building Network (HBN) and has long been navigating our growing green building industry through these rough waters of change. He is soft spoken and unshakable. He is humble and continually focuses our attention on the full community doing good works. Also on the origin stories of awareness that started him and others on their path. He shares the changes in our movement…from citing toxins to avoid, to a growing acknowledgement and increasing tools to select healthy products, and now to the next steps, where we now understand that something that harms one community harms us all.

We share this world, after all.

Join is for this interview, and watch also the cut that focuses a bit more on PVC and a relearning for Jodi. There was soooo much to this interview! Thank you, Bill, truly, and smooth sailing in your new work!

Check out our YouTube channel. We’ve had so many exceptional conversations, each reveals new perspectives to consider, and new ideas to explore. Please take a moment to like, comment, share and maybe even (gasp) subscribe! We’d love to broaden our connections and the discussions that will inform our shared future, one we can create together.

Below are the resources and links Bill mentioned in our chat. Best to copy them into your browser to learn more.

  • NESEA https://nesea.org/
  • Healthy Building Network: https://healthybuilding.net/?gclid=CjwKCAjw3cSSBhBGEiwAVII0Z7iCostI3mwUwBSpjtp6JF4VmdcOCZ_RWsqzsu2pVBoFnRt1VlTjohoCTcUQAvD_BwE
  • Chemforward: https://www.chemforward.org/
  • EarthJustice: https://earthjustice.org/  – Clean & Healthy NY https://www.chny.org/
  • Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/291205/blessed-unrest-by-paul-hawken/
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility https://www.psr.org/
  • We Act: https://www.weact.org/
  • Indigenous Environmental Network: https://www.ienearth.org/
  • Honor the Earth Campaign https://www.honorearth.org/
  • Environmental Health News https://www.ehn.org/
  • Wendell Barry (HERO) https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/wendell-berry

As always, thanks for joining us in our journey!

Lauren and Jodi

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