Lives Per Gallon: a book review (B2C)

One of the Playlists on our YouTube channel is named Books2Change, and we review, in short videos, the books that have in some way informed or inspired or even amused us. Send along books you want us to read! Some of these wonderful books tie-in to our chats with our Subject2Change guests, and some do not.

The transition away from fossil fuels not only needs to be underway it needs to be firmly set, and neither are yet true.

This week, I got behind in my video editing, so instead of a full video I am posting one of our as-yet unreleased book reviews. Next week, watch for an inspiring and informative chat with Majora Carter! (Woot)

This book, “Lives Per Gallon” lives up to its title. It is clear, compelling, and shocking to read the efforts and investments we have made in a dying technology that is, in fact, killing us. Terry Tamminen, current President/CEO of AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles, is a wonderful writer, using stories and data to help us see the futility of further investment in #fossilfuels. What’s even more revealing to me is that this book was written about 15 years ago. The transition not only needs to be underway it needs to be firmly set, and neither are yet true.

Check out our YouTube channel. We’ve had so many exceptional conversations, each reveals new perspectives to consider, and new ideas to explore. Please take a moment to like, comment, share and maybe even (gasp) subscribe! We’d love to broaden our connections and the discussions that will inform our shared future, one we can create together.

Thanks for each and every effort YOU take 2bgreener,


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